Thursday, May 26, 2011

Last game

The Geckos had their last game Monday, May 23. We were a pretty small crew since it was postponed from Saturday morning. Only about 5 members of the team were able to make it.

All of the players got a cool medal for playing. Jasper thought it was pretty cool. (I'll have to get a better photo, though, since the baseball is spun backward in this photo.)

What a fun first season!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

'Jasper' sign

We're doing some moving around in our house to create room for the new baby this summer. Natalie and I are going to trade rooms with Jasper and Jasper will share a room with the baby.

That means it's time to do a little painting - painting over the 'Jasper' sign in his old room.

Aunt Melissa painted it back before Jasper was born, and we wanted to make sure to get a picture of it before it was gone so we took a snapshot this morning. (He's holding the plate that Melissa also painted for Nat's baby shower.)

Thanks aunt Melissa!

You can't find me!

Jasper likes to hide, and his hamper is a pretty good spot. (We can never find him!)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Good form

Jasper has been big into sliding during his Wee Ball games. Sliding at home. Sliding in the basepaths. Sliding in the dugout.

Luckily, I caught him actually popping up after a slide into third base the other day.

Wee ball pics

With one Wee Ball game to go, we got the professional photos back that were taken during our second practice. Jasper was first in line to get his individual shot taken - he's quite used to the camera, I guess - and got to hold his own bat.

The team photo was a bit tougher. All-in-all, though, I think it turned out pretty cute.

Members of the Geckos, front row from left, including Caleb Shortell, Jasper Wilson and Hunter Brown; back row, Dylan Colburn, Ethan Sickels, Miley Koogler, Isabel Friday and Isabella Waters.

Interesting note: Sherry Lynn Beattie, who took our wedding photos, took these.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Special Post for Callie B. :)

We met up with Clint and Callie Berryman at the Newell's wedding and she said, 'you need to update your blog with a new belly photo!' so here it is :) 28 weeks. Just passed my glucose screening, heart rate was 140, and everything is checking out on track - yay! I think there's a little boy growing in there. We don't know for sure, but that's my "unofficial" guess and we'll see in July!

Congratulations Brandon and Heather!

Adam and I took a road trip to Minneapolis, MN for Brandon & Heather Newell's wedding the weekend of May 7. We carpooled with Jared and Heidi Gillespie, left Friday afternoon and came home on Sunday - just in time for a great Mother's Day afternoon with my boys.

Almost the whole Simpson clan was there and as we always do with that group, we had such a fun time! The boys didn't get too crazy and of course us girls are always good and keep those boys in line when they get together. It's amazing how they are so professional in their everyday lives, but once together, the Theme House Five college boys always come back out - but that's what makes it so much fun!

The wedding was at the Radisson Plaza hotel downtown. We were invited to the rehearsal dinner on Friday, went to Hells Kitchen for brunch and shopped a little bit on Saturday, had a great time at the ceremony/reception, and then Sunday the Newells hosted a breakfast before everyone left.

It was nice to see everyone and missed those spouses that weren't able to be there! Here are a couple pictures - us girls had our photo with Henry, a sweet great dane that was with a couple at a bar we went to on Friday night. One picture is Jared helping Adam with his tie, and some other group shots.

More Trissel Easter Photos

Here are some more pinata photos and we also took some time to take some family pictures. We sure did miss my Grandma Trissel this year, as we always will, but I like to think she's watching over us and was having fun with us that day!

Easter with the Trissel Side

Here are a couple late posts from Easter with the Trissel side. We headed over to the Swallows for one more Easter Egg hunt and a pinata. We also celebrated Perri Smith's 3rd birthday. She has been very into "harry potter" but she calls herself, "perri potter" so Allison had a cake with "happy birthday perri potter" on it - very cute!

The Easter Egg hunt ended with a clue leading to an easter basket for each kid - pictured are Dom and Jasper finding theirs in the bathtub. And the pinata (homemade by Sandy) took a little longer to break this year, since she said she put a few too many layers on it!

This tradition has been in our family since I was little and it's neat to now see our kids getting to experience the fun! Thanks to our family for all their work in making this happen for the kiddos!

Just realized my eyes are closed in the photo of us 3, but the other photo I have of this pose, Jasper has his basket in front of his face - looks like we didn't get the best family photo this year, but that's ok :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Jasper P's first hit

Here's video of Jasper P's first hit in wee ball tonight. It was a rocket up the middle and he gracefully glided to first base.

Check it out for yourself.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Fear the Geckos

We've completed two Wee Ball practices in Altoona, so we're fully prepared for the season opener Tuesday.

If you don't know what Wee Ball (Bam Bam) is, it's tee ball with a few tweaks. Instead of a tee a large rubber ball is hit off two coffee cans stacked one on top of the other. (See photo)

Every kid gets to hit and run the bases each inning, so it's about learning the rules and having fun - and sitting still in the dugout when the other team is on the field. Through two practices Jasper has had lots of fun. He's already pretty good buddies with teammate Hunter (#2 shown in a couple of photos) and the rest of the Geckos.

For anyone interested, here's his schedule (let us know and we can get you directions to the fields):

6 p.m. Tuesday, May 3 - Geckos vs. Lions (Field 1)
10 a.m. Saturday, May 7 - Geckos vs. Eels (Field 2)
6 p.m. Tuesday, May 10 - Geckos vs. Dolphins (Field 1)
10 a.m. Saturday, May 14 - Geckos vs. Tigers (Field 2)
6 p.m. Tuesday, May 17 - Geckos vs. Sharks (Field 2)
10 a.m. Saturday, May 21 - Geckos vs. Sharks (Field 1)

We had individual and team photos on Saturday, so uniforms (T-shirts and caps) were handed out. Jasper wears #4 this season, and we think he looks like a very, very big boy in his baseball cap.

I think it's pretty cool that the Geckos are the red team, since my first Little League team was Red, too. The only thing that could make it better is if he got to wear #7 (John Elway!) instead of 4.

I'll post a full report after each game with scores and statistics, so make sure you visit our blog every Tuesday and Saturday for box scores. (Just kidding.)

Fear the Geckos!