Monday, February 25, 2013

Day in the Snow with Daddy

Jasper and Daddy took some time this weekend to enjoy the 30 degree weather and snow. Avery was taking a nap, so she missed out on the festivities. But they had a fun time sledding into snow and also building a cowboy snowman with his horse. As you can see the cowboy is complete with a brown cowboy hat with pennies taped to it (Jasper's idea), and he is "lasso'ing" his horse. One might say the horse resembles a dog...but I think him and daddy did a great job! Our next door neighbor's dog, Louie, isn't a fan of the snow "horse" but once he melts, I think he will miss it :)

First School Valentine's Bag

Nevermind the bed-head and jammies, I wanted to get a picture of Jasper's first school Valentine's Day party bag, so here it is! Decorated by Mr. Jman himself and filled with lots of love from his school friends!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had some yummy heart-shaped waffles for breakfast on Valentine's Day. Kiddos got some fun gifts from the grandparents and we got Jasper a soccer ball, shinguards, and socks all ready to play soccer this spring. Avery got some Duplo Legos. Jman was excited for his gift and couldn't believe how long the soccer socks were :) Avery eventually appreciated her legos, but after opening them, she was upset and just really wanted a snack, which explains the very sad face. They had a Valentine's Day party at Issa's and Jman had a party at school where he spent the night before the party signing his name to 20 superhero valentines - it was hard work, but so worth it. He got a big sack full of valentine's from his friends. Avery took princess valentines to Issa's and also, in return, got a sack full of goodies from her pals there. Happy Valentine's Day!

It's My Heart Coat!

Grandma Vicki bought Avery her winter coat when I was in the hospital - she looks so cute every morning in her big-girl heart coat that we had to take a picture. She is at the point now where she likes to go to the lockers, get her coat, and bring it to us to put on. That is more for the fact that she loves wearing her black boots from the Norems and she knows when the coat is on, the boots go on, too.

It's Backwards Day!

Jasper had his first Backwards Day at preschool. When they fill up their "pom pom" jar in Ms. Kelli's class, they get to pick something fun to do. That means they have been making good choices at school. They have had bring a stuffed animal day, pajama day, movie day, and all sorts of fun things. This particular day was backwards day. They wore their clothes backwards and spent their day doing tasks in backwards order. Jman had a great time!

Super Bowl

We had a great time with Kyl, Ami, Payson, Zoe, and Scarlet Gillespie on Super Bowl Sunday. Here are a couple pictures of the kids. Scarlet and Avery decided they wanted to sit in their chairs on the floor, and had quite a fun time just hanging out in them. The older kids spent lots of time running around the house and doing what older kids do :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Avery is 18 months!

Avery is 18 months! Here are some smiley pictures from our silly girl!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Super heroes

Besides being the best of friends, Jasper and cousin Sydney are also super heroes. You could call them Super Friends.


Can't let Jasper's 'incident' in October go un-blogged. I wasn't home but Jasper, Avery and mommy were in the garage and the way I understand it he was going to work on his new hobby - hammering nails into some scrap wood. Carrying the hammer in his left hand, he tripped and smashed his middle finger against the push mower, splitting open the tip of his middle finger. It was a serious gash, one that required two stitches, and one that left quite a bit of blood on the new garage floor! He was a trooper the entire time, and he handled getting the stitch
es (and getting them taken out) like a champ.

At the doctor

As you can probably tell after this string of posts, I'm finally posting pics I've taken with my iPhone over the last couple of months. Here's Avery playing with the mirror at her 1-year doctor checkup.


Avery went through a phase in December where she required silverware. She stopped eating with her hands and, because we didn't know she was on this odd hunger strike, wouldn't eat. We finally figured out she wanted silverware like the big kids, and off she went!

Better late than never

In November I went to the Broncos-Cheifs football game in Kansas City with cousins Dave Wilson, Jesse Hunsaker (cousin ONLY by marriage!) and some other friends. Here are some photos, including Jesse standing at the ass-end of a cow at the hotel bar, a couple shots of Arrowhead Stadium, where Denver of course won, and a shot of a Chiefs fan wearing a paper bag on his head, which is the only way Chiefs fans should ever go out in public.


Jasper got a ton of Legos for Christmas, so since that day we've been putting them together, taking them apart, and searching for fun new things to build. One pic is of Jasper's sets - mostly super heroes and police/fire - that he got for Christmas. The other is of the sailboat he and I made, complete with 'water' (a Snuggy blanket).

Poor Avery

Avery's had her fair share of sickness this winter - stomach flu, pink eye and a handful of colds. This photo, from the end of January, shows that she couldn't even cross our living room run without stopping for a quick nap.
Other pics in this post: Avery and daddy cuddling on one of her 'sick' nights and Avery being a good sport when daddy made a Play-Doh toupee for her.

Jasper's swimming lessons

Jasper started swimming lessons Feb. 4. These are the real deal at the Altoona Campus - not an parent/child swim class. They're already talking about doing the 'ice cream scoop' as they try to swim, and it's the first time that Jasper's been in the water without Natalie or I. He didn't have a fantastic time during his first lesson, but he already said he's pumped to go back, so I'm sure he'll have a great time from now on.

Candyland party

Jasper and I went to a Candyland party Jan. 26 at the Pleasant Hill Library. I had to take some photos for work, too, so I only got a few on my phone - here's Jasper coloring a fun picture. We also played the game Candyland and ate lots of snacks!