Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Capt. Jasper

Thanks to Kelli Vellinga, Jasper got to drive a boat this weekend on Lake Panorama, after Mallory and Jacob Cleveland's wedding. He loved it! (Yes, that's uncle Bart asleep in the background.)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Few More Jasperisms

A Few Jasperisms we've heard lately: 1. Cattan Condy = Cotton Candy 2. (Gross one - but I wanted to remember it) "Mom, my poop looks like a whistle, that would be 'ew gross' if we blew on our poop." 3. J: Mom, Avery doesn't have a brain. N: Why would you say that - yes, she does have a brain. J: Because Issa said you can't touch her head because she doesn't have a brain. N: No, Issa said that you can't touch her soft spot on her head. J: Well, I think her brain is really small then because she has a small head. N: Ok, buddy, whatever you think. 4. Jasper met a friend named Jacob while we're staying at Grandma Vicki's House. He is 7 and has come to our house a couple times to play superheros and all the fighting games boys play. When Jacob left the other day, Jasper said, "Bye, Jacob I love you!" Jacob kind of looked at him and gave him an awkward smile. So...we haven't seen Jacob since. Not sure if that's why or what - but Jasper seriously just loves everybody! We did have a little chat that you could really like/love your friends, but we don't normally tell our friends we love them. But then I thought, 'well, why not' so I didn't go into too much more detail with him. 5. I was telling Jasper that he is getting so big I just couldn't believe it. And he said 'well, I can't see myself growing.' 6. Why can't I live with Sydney, Melissa and Harry Potter (their cat). 7. He likes to tell everybody that his gramps is older than them. "My gramps is 60 years old, he's older than you!"

Friday, May 18, 2012

Summer Time PJs

Best wear for summer night-times - "underoos!" I'm not sure why I bother buying Jasper jammies since he likes to only wear his underwear to bed and looks like Avery might be on the same path...although that will change a lot sooner for her then it will for him :)

Who Likes Big People Food?

Avery is starting to eat "big people" food. On the menu tonight was a green rice casserole that she loved. Her favorite foods so far are cheerios, cottage cheese, and peaches. She is staring to get impatient with us feeding her baby food because she just wants to eat herself..unless it is cinnamon oatmeal baby food, which she devours in seconds. Such a fun stage! And Jasper likes to feed his sister puffs, and steal a couple for himself in the process.

Sleepy Time Pals

Daddy and Avery catching a few more zzzz's the other morning. wh

Mothers Day

We had a wonderful Mother's Day. Went to Red Lobster and Syd's gymnastics meet on Saturday and then hung out at Grandma Vicki's on Sunday and had Jason and Abbie over for lunch. It was a beautiful day and so thankful to be mommy to Jasper and Avery! Hope I can bring as much love and happiness into their lives as they do to mine.

Junk Day - Fun Day

I had no idea that Waukee's Annual Junk Day was going to be one of the highlights of Jasper's year! He loved putting junk on the curb and talking with the people who came up to grab stuff. Once something new was out, he would announce to everybody to, "Come Take Our Junk!" Once night time came and some neighbor kids came over to dig through our stuff, he was going crazy helping them get stuff and telling us what they would take from the pile. I couldn't believe how excited he was, but it was so cute to see him having so much fun! Jasper has made some friends during our time here at Grandma Vicki's house, so it's been fun to meet some new people.

Dinner with the Peters Family

We had Crystal and Keenan over for dinner a couple weeks ago. Jasper was at a sleepover with Syd, so Avery and Keenan got lots of play time in. She loved it when he read to her. Once dinner was over, Adam took Keenan for a spin on his motorcycle. Fun night!

Almost Crawling...

Avery has been working on crawling for a few weeks now. She can't quite get over her leg, but she is so determined. There have been a few times where she gets over her leg then falls to the floor on her belly, which is the last place she wants to be, so then we'll set her up and she'll try it all over again. Keep working on it, sweetie - you'll get it!

It's Cup Time!

Avery and her first experience with a sippy cup. Big girl!

More House Photos

Jasper enjoyed running, and running, and running around the house after all the furniture had been moved out. Wow - can't believe that day actually came. So bittersweet!

Last Day in our First House

Good-bye 2927 E. Jefferson Avenue! I hope the new owners take as good of care as you as we did. Thanks for the memories!

Happy Easter 2!

More pictures from Easter Celebrations.

Happy Easter!

Here are a couple posts from this year's Easter. The Easter Bunny came to our house and left goodies for Jasper and Avery, we colored eggs at Grams and Gramps and had an egg hunt, and also hunted eggs at the Swallows and finished the festivities off with the annual pinata bash!

Thanks Direct Realty!

We took the following photos and made a "Thank You"
card for Rick, Barb, Marcia, and Liz with Direct Realty when they sold our house. They were so wonderful to us!

Monday, May 7, 2012


I had to post a little info. about Jasper's most recent dream. It all started after he attended the DMU Health Fair with Melissa, Syd, and Adam. He got lots of fun goodies, including one of those balloons that has a string that you can punch. I'm sure there is a name for it, but I don't know what it is :) Anywho, he discovered that he can make the balloon go very fast in circles by holding on to the string and whipping it around. He was doing this and decided that he was like "Red Tornado," which is a superhero character in the mini-Batman books at Grams and Gramps house. Adam and I were clueless as to this characer, but he knew of him fondly. I went to check on Jasper last night while he was sleeping and after I gave him a kiss, he started moving his hand around and around like he was swinging the balloon. It was hilarious, his eyes were closed the whole time and he had no expression on his face, but his hand was going round and round so fast! I tried waking him up and he stopped a little bit and then fell back to sleep. So, this morning I asked if he dreamed that he was red tornado. And he said, "no, but I did dream about a superhero - I dreamed that I was eating a bowl of cereal and had a wolverine (another superhero) fork." Not exactly the dream I thought he'd say, but none the less, he loves his superheros!