Thursday, December 29, 2011

Family photos

We had some family photos taken recently. Here are a few.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Kids at 4 months

Natalie and I say all the time how much we think Avery looks like Jasper. Here's proof.

Jasper, on the left, was about 4 months old when that photo was taken (pardon the creepy-looking daddy in the background.)

Avery, on the right, is 4 months now - 5 months on Jan. 5. (Daddy was replaced in this one by a lamb blanket.)

The hair is different, but they look a lot alike.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Early Christmas!

My boss, Amy Duncan, gave Avery a sweet lamb mini-blanket with her name embroidered on it. (She gave a more 'manly' one to Jasper when he was born.)

Avery loves hers, and immediately cuddled it up tonight before bathtime.

And Jasper loved his books - 'I Stink!' and 'The Little Engine that Could.'

Thanks Amy!

Dancin' girl

Avery's a mover and a shaker. See for yourself.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The daycare crew

The kids at Issa's Daycare had their Christmas party today, featuring pajamas, 'The Grinch' movie and plenty of snacks and crafts.

Here's a shot of all the kids - minus Tytan - before the festivities began. From left, Delaney, Tyler, Jasper, Avery, Quinn and Lauren.

They're all such good buddies!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

She needs food!

We tried a little bit of rice cereal this morning with Avery, her first time eating 'real' food.

It was a moderate success, with some reaching her belly (I think) and some spilling back out.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Girly girl

These pics are two months old already - I took them Oct. 16 - but they're too cute not to share.

Avery got all dressed up (or dressed down) in her tutu from friend Heidi Kline, and we did a few poses with her spiffy stocking cap.

Drama king

The boy didn't want his face wiped after making gingerbread houses Dec. 3. Can you tell?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

New Favorite Toys

Avery literally fell asleep while grabbing hold of Jasper's build-a-bear. It was so funny, she nuzzled right in to his furry face and fell asleep. Looks like a teddy bear might be on Santa's list for the little girl this year.

Our Family

Quick photo opp. after our tree was all decorated. So blessed to share this holiday season with my favorite boys and girl, that includes our Coz, too!

Putting Up the Tree

We decided to get a little tree this year since our house is on the market and we didn't want to take up too much space. We call it our "Jasper size" tree since it's about as tall as he is. We had a great time decorating it while listening to some Christmas tunes.


So, this is a picture of Jasper's balloon sword that he got at Breakfast with Santa in the refrigerator. He thought if he put it in the refrigerator, it would hold its air longer, so that's just what he did. Quite the imagination.

Cuddling with Daddy

Avery nestled up with daddy during a Sunday afternoon nap.

Burrito Girl

Here is Avery wrapped up like a burrito while we read books before bed. She actually fell asleep wrapped up like that, sitting up. It was pretty funny!

Making Eyes with Daddy

Avery and Daddy having a starring contest. Not sure who won!

Thanksgiving 2011

For Thanksgiving this year, we went to Grandma Vicki's house for dinner on Thanksgiving evening and then went to Grams and Gramps Wilson the Saturday after Turkey Day. We had a great time with family during this holiday! Not sure why I didn't have my camera out at Grandma Vicki's to get the kiddos playing so good with their cousins, but here are a couple from the Wilsons. OH, and Jasper gave his cousin, Perri, a lesson in "boy parts" this year. He was going to the bathroom and Perri (who is Jasper's age) saw him and said "you stand like my daddy stands and that's what my daddy has." To which Jasper replied, "it's called a penis, Perri!" Never forget that one!

Happy Girl!

Avery is such a happy go lucky baby! Here are a few smiles!


So, Avery is quite the drooler. I got a good picture of what our clothes or arms usually look like after holding her for a little while - notice the large wet spot on adam's shirt :)

Christmas Lights

Jasper helped Daddy put up this year's Christmas lights and he even got to climb on the ladder. He loved it!

Feeding Sister

Jasper has started to enjoy feeding Avery. Although it's usually short-lived and mommy and daddy take over, but it's a start!