Monday, November 21, 2011

Bondurant, Here We Come!

Well, we finally made it official and will be making Bondurant our next home where the kiddos will grow up! We have purchased a lot and will be closing on it late December. Small catch, though...we still have our house to sell, so there won't be a house on the lot until our house sells, but hopefully w/in the next 12 months, that will happen and we can start building. We've found a builder and a plan for a simple 2-story that will give us some more room for when Avery will join Jasper on his many adventures of playing Super Heroes and making forts around the house! It's a couple blocks from Jman's best girls/daycare friends - Quinn and Delaney, and family friends, the Klines. Plus, it's not too far from Issa's house!

We're excited! Seems like we've been talking about the next stage and doing house stuff for the past couple of years, so it's nice that things are starting to move and will hopefully take shape for us in the coming year!

I'll take a picture of the lot soon and post :)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Noah!

We headed over to Grandma Vicki's to celebrate Noah's 12th Birthday. Can't believe he is 12! Jman was pumped because he had a soccer cake complete with soccer guys and two goals. He was a little bummed that there was no "coach" on the cake. He had envisioned that his cake would include a giant coach for some reason :) Anywho, Noah got a guitar, bass, and was going to use his bday money for an amp. Happy Birthday, Noah! We love you!

His Father's Son

So...Jasper decided he wanted to make a large fort out of rope. He strategically wrapped the rope around each individual leg of all 3 chairs in the kitchen, about 8-10 times each. Then the rope moved to the handle of the refrigerator door. Next, it moved along the floor to the lamp in the living room and ended with a big pile of hodge-podge stuff, which was the actual fort. Turns out the rope was actually his fence. I say he is his father's son, because this fort and fence was a little over the top meticulous. He spent almost 2 hours and while I dreaded the pick-up afterward, i didn't want to put a damper on his fun. He did help pick it all up, but not before he could show daddy when he got home from work. Oh, boys!

TV Watcher

We've discovered that Avery loves the TV. Whenever Jasper is watching his cartoons, she is usually right next to him watching right along. This picture is from one morning before heading to Issa's. She was laying on the floor and Jasper decided to get his blanket and cuddle up right next to her. I think they were both watching Mickey Mouse Club House - one of J's favorites.

Mal's Baby Shower!

We got to celebrate the upcoming arrival of Baby Girl Cleveland at Mal's baby shower. We played some games, had some yummy casseroles and enjoyed watching as she opened up lots of pink as well as a special quilt made by Jacob's grandmother. Can't wait for to add one more member to our growing family!

We got to meet Addie!

We had the chance to meet the newest addition of the Malloy family - Addie! She was born September 7, 2011. She's such a sweetie! And seems like her and Avery already have alot in common - they like to sleep. They both pretty much slept through our whole lunch at Panera but we were able to wake them up to get a few pix. It was so nice to see new mommy, Suzy, as well, and hopefully at their next trip back home we'll get to congratulate her daddy in person.

Avery and Gram Doris

Grandma Doris, Syd, and Grandma Debbie came over a couple weeks ago and hung out! I think Avery even gave up a couple smiles for them!...And here is a picture of Jasper falling asleep in the chair after a long afternoon of running around with Syd! When they are together, they do some serious playing and get very "weared" out.

Chillin' in my Bumbo

Avery loves her Bumbo. And of course, she loves watching Jasper, so I got a cute photo of her straining her neck to follow her brother. She just can't let him out of her sight these days and he's loving the attention. Oh, and the first picture is her new, wierd, tucking in the lower lip face - definitely looks like an old man or something - funny!

Happy Tigger

One more picture of a very happy Tigger from Halloween!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fun in the leaves

Here's a handful of shots from us playing in the leaves. I made quite a pile for Jasper to jump in, and he gladly obliged by diving off the rock wall on the side of our garage.

Even got sister Avery in a few of them!