Thursday, February 24, 2011

More Jasperisms (update)

1. Jasper, what are you doing? "Anything" (instead of nothing)
2. I have a problem (and then identifies what is on his mind at the moment)
3. I'm not feeling way better. I think if I watch a movie, I'll feel better.
4. When I pick him up for daycare, he'll either say, "I had a wonderful day" or "I had a rough day."
5. I guess his Friend, Quinn, at daycare supposedly squeezed his lips. So, he told me that "Qen - seezed his lips" and I had no idea what he was trying to tell me. So, he proceeded to pinch my cheeks and then I figured he said, "squeeze." He gets pretty upset when we can't understand something, so he's figured out that if he puts an action to it, we'll eventually get it - ha!
6. When he goes to bed he says, "I will dream about you tonight..." So sweet!
7. Grocery Shop=Grocery Store
8. Grocery lady=Cashier at the grocery store
9. When Cozmo tries to get his food at the table, before we can discipline Coz, Jasper says "I'll take care of it mommy."


10. Buh-maya = Alissa's cat Mariah.
11. My 'Spongebob Remembery' game = his Spongebob Memory game.
12. "You dream about me ... I'll dream about Batman."

17 Weeks and Growing

Here is our 17 week photo (actually, it's about 18 weeks so we're a little behind on the photo). We've got our 19 week ultrasound next week and are excited to make sure our little baby is healthy and growing strong! Jasper was actually not trying to hide his face, he was really just trying to hold up the sign, in his fireman hat and belt, which is currently a hat and toolbelt that when he puts on, he turns into his favorite person of the time, Handy Manny.

More Incredible Pizza

Here are a couple more photos from Incredible Pizza! Jasper loved the go-carts and him and Noah got enough tickets to get these funky glasses. We think Jasper's favorite game was the Spongebob driving game. He was pretty quick to be done with the toddler games and instead focused most of his time on the bigger-kid/adult driving games.

Incredible Pizza

We went with Grandma Vicki and Noah and Jason to Incredible Pizza this past weekend. We went on Feb. 20, which was the 14th anniversary of my dad's death. It was nice to get together with those guys and spend time with each other on this day. Here are some pictures from our fun time together!

New Concept for Seating

One night I walked out into the living room and Jasper was sitting in his red race car chair on the couch. Interesting concept for a new seating arrangement, maybe furniture design is in the future? ha! Oh, and his new re-discovered treat of choice is an ICEE. Very cold on a cold winter's night, but gotta love sugar!

First Ring Pop

Jasper got his first ring pop from one of his daycare friends for Valentine's Day. He thought it was pretty cool and wanted to show off his new 'bling!'

Snow Fun!

Grams, Gramps and Sydney came into our house to play on Valentine's weekend. It was a nice day outside and perfect snowman-building snow, so we took advantage. Here are pictures of Sydney and The Wilson family in snow, complete with a snow"dog," Cozmo.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Here's a side-by-side pic of Natalie pregnant with Jasper at 16 weeks and currently at 16 weeks.

16 weeks

For anyone who doesn't know, we're expecting Jasper's baby brother or sister in July.

We made the official announcement two weeks ago over dinner with our families. (To Natalie's credit, we tried to make it a surprise. I don't think we surprised anyone.)

Just like we did for Jasper, we're starting to take regular belly photos and this is the first - at 16 weeks.


Jasper got sick yesterday at daycare and had to come home early. He was a little 'off' last night but seemed better today when he and Nat stayed home together - it was her normal day off.

Tonight I caught him hanging out on the couch after bathtime and before bedtime.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Man-to-man talk

Just a few photos I found in my email from aunt Melissa. They're from spring 2010 at Adel-DeSoto-Minburn HS, where Sydney had her gymnastics meet. For whatever reason, Jasper and grandpa Paul moved to the top of the bleachers to have a serious man-to-man talk.

You can see who did most of the talking.