Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sledding with Cousin Syd

We went out to Grams and Gramps this past weekend for a fun, sledding party. Gramps made the perfect-sized sledding hill for the kiddos and did they have a blast! we finished the sledding with hot cocoa and cookies.

Clowning Around

Here are a couple pictures of Jasper P just lounging during a snow day and daddy being silly with the Bumbo chair on his head. I got the bumbo chair out of the basement for baby Ethan who came to our Bunco night. Didn't realize how much Jasper would enjoy the chair - 'baby, 'baby' is usually what he says as he points to it and sits in it.

The Big Game with the Norems

We headed over to Melissa, Hank, and Ava Norems place for the Hawkeye Bowl Game. This was the first time Ava and Jasper got to meet each other. She was very excited to show him all of her stuff in her room and her new Christmas presents. Jasper liked her girl toys, but preferred to 'vroomm' his tractors around and show her his boy toys. They had bathtime and got in their jammies together. We tried putting them in the same room to sleep while us big kids watched the game, but that didn't turn out so well....either way, we are definitely planning a second play-date. Ava and Jasper are new pals!

It's a Party!

The Gibsons (Seth, Erin, and Payton) were in Stuart for Ellie and Josh Mason's wedding on New Years Day. They also hosted a party for Payton, who turned 2! Jasper had such a fun time playing with all of the other kids (even though this picture of him sitting by himself doesn't look like it - he's got his SERIOUS face on), including his best friend, Quinn and Delaney from Issa's House. I sure wish the Gibsons lived closer!!

Happy New Year!

We rang in the new year with the "Hills" (Sarah Underhill and Matt Hemphill), Sarah's sister and her husband, and Heidi and Jared Gillespie. It was such a fun night - eating yummy chicken tortilla soup, snacks, watching the ISU game, playing quite a few rounds of Catch Phrase, and ending the night with some Dominos. Great night with great friends! Jasper had a sleepover at Grams and Gramps house with cousin Sydney - where they even had noisemakers and all sorts of fun stuff for their own party.

More Pictures...

Merry month later!

Well, it's January 21 and we're finally getting pictures up from Christmas. We haven't "blogged" in a while, so to our avid blog-followers, please forgive us :) I'd say we've been busy, but I think we've also just been a bit lazy and enjoying our nights cuddled up watching Thomas "choo-choo," reading books, or just hanging out together staying warm in this weather...

speaking of weather...Christmas was a little different this year. On Christmas Eve, we headed out to Grandma Vicki's and had dinner with Uncle "JJ" and opened gifts that Santa brought to Grandma Vicki's house. On the way home, the snow began falling...we woke up Christmas morning to a very, white winter wonderland, so much that we weren't able to make it out to Stuart to visit Grams, Gramps, and the Wilders. Instead, we headed over to Aunt Jody's house for the Trissel Christmas and had a great time!

On Saturday, we finally got out to see Grams and Gramps and the Wilders. This was also the same day as Grandpa Bob's funeral. Definitely a day filled with mixed emotions to say good-bye to Grandpa Bob in the morning and then celebrate Christmas the same day. The funeral was a great celebration of his life and the stories that were told, the hugs shared, and just the feeling of being together at the church, was so special to know that none of that would have happened without Grandpa Bob. It is so special to see the unique things/hobbies that Grandpa Bob did, passed on to Paul, passed onto Adam, and now being passed on to Jasper!

So, before I get too off subject, here are the Christmas photos! Enjoy!