Friday, November 28, 2008

Fun at daddy's office

Jasper has been entertaining the few poor souls who had to work the day after Thanksgiving at the Altoona Herald (dad included) with his 'dadas' and the fun time he was having in his exersaucer.

Here are a few photos of him playing before he got sick of not being on my lap, banging on the keyboard.

Random question: Anyone else have 'Funkytown' constantly running through your head after reading Melissa's most recent post? (Talk about it ... talk about it ... talk about it ... talk about it ...)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Big boy foods

Jasper has been chowing down every type of baby food we've tried, but Sunday was the first time we tried these teething biscuits that our sitter, Alissa, gave Jasper.

They took some getting used to, but he eventually took a liking to the new treats. And, of course, it didn't take long for the Coz to figure out that when Jasper gets strapped in to his high chair, food will surely fall to the floor.

We spent 4 1/2 years training the Coz to avoid human food and to not beg. All for nothing!

Playin' cars

Jasper has taken a liking to a big, red toy car, 'vroooming' it back and forth before letting it roll across the floor. And now that he's mobile, he can chase after it, giggling all the way.

Sometimes, though, it's just more fun to tip it over and spin the wheels.

Good times.

Four-point stance

He hasn't proven himself to be much of a football player yet , mostly just sucking on his stuffed football, but Jasper P. put on a clinic the other night, showing off his four-point stance and his, umm, 'mean' face.

Pretty darn tough.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sleepy Saturday morning

With temps in the low 30s and flurries falling, Nat, Jasper and the Coz decided to sleep in on Saturday — until 10!!! After drinking my cup of coffee and reading the paper, I snuck in to peek on the trio, with my camera of course.

So peaceful.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Newspaper man

Forget the rubber block or the music maker on the floor, Jasper likes simple toys like measuring cups, a pie pan and, of course, newspaper. As you can see, Jasper's had his way with Friday's Register, crinkling it up before moving on to another toy.

Army crawlin'

Jasper is a quick little bugger when he wants to be, pretty much going wherever he wants to now that he's learned how to Army crawl.

These photos show him seeing a wooden spoon on the kitchen floor and realizing it'd be quite fun to play with it.

Happy birthday Noah!

Cousin Noah turned 9 years old on Saturday so we had a birthday party Friday night at Vicki's house in Waukee.

The photos are of the birthday boy with cousins Payton and Pryce with his military-themed cake, Jasper and Noah in Noah's room, Jasper walking around with cousin Mallory and Jasper and Nat, waaaaay past his bed time.

I would not, could not, in a box

There was a big box left over after I put in a new toilet on Monday, so Natalie thought Jasper would have a good time playing it in.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Caught in the act!

Jasper, being mobile now, cannot be trusted alone. If he's not getting Cozmo's dog food in the kitchen, he's grabbing for the electrical cords for the radio in his bedroom. (No, we have not baby-proofed Casa de Wilson yet.)

Tonight I left him playing alone with a stuffed football on his bedroom floor. He also had a favorite bath-time toy so I figured he was cool for the 1 second it would take me to walk to the kitchen, start the dish washer, and walk back to his room.


Not a punishable offense by any means, but Jasper had army crawled (he's not officially crawling yet) across the room and wanted to get his hands on his car seat. I found him halfway across the floor so I grabbed the camera to snap a few shots — crawling toward the seat, rocking it back and forth and (gasp!) getting caught in the act! 

What I didn't get a photo of, though, was him pulling it forward far enough that when it rocked back, it'd catch him in the chin every time. By his smile it must've been more fun than it looked.

These photos are the progression of him crawling over, playing, getting caught (surprise!) and deciding that he'd go back to playing.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Really big show

Nat, Jasper and I went Sunday afternoon to 'School House Rock Jr.'  at Class Act Productions in Altoona. It was a great show (think 'Conjunction-junction, what's your function?' and 'I'm just a bill ...') that just happened to star our babysitter's oldest daughter, Emily.
Emily, who has a nice singing voice and did a terrific job in the show, is pictured with Natalie and Jasper in one photo, and Jasper and I pose with Emily's little sis Ella in the other.
The show was lively, fun and kept Jasper looking wide-eyed at the stage the entire time; the same goes for Nat and I, who really enjoyed it!
If anyone's around the metro area you can still see the show at 7 p.m. Nov. 13, 14 & 15 and 2:30 p.m. Nov. 16.

Monday, November 3, 2008

And here it is....

The "Wilson Peninsula"...looks like he's got some of his daddy's features after all. I was just walking by and thought this view would make a funny picture :) The other picture is of course daddy reading to J-Man. He LOVES to read stories, especially books that he can turn the pages himself - what a big boy!