Saturday, August 30, 2008

Happy Labor Day!!!

Jasper celebrated Labor Day early, posing for a couple of shots at dad's office Saturday morning before the Iowa football game starter. (Go Hawks!)

Friday, August 29, 2008

BBQ Time

Crystal, Heidi and Keenan came over last night for a BBQ. Crystal enjoyed a couple of big smooches from Cozmo and Keenan enjoyed Adam's PS2 - us girls are no fun for him! It was nice catching up! Thanks, girls, for coming over (hope you feel better, Heidi!).... Jasper helped Daddy cook some hamburgers and was sure to use his "flirty" smile on the girls a couple of times!

It's Bathtime!

Daddy and Jasper enjoying bathtime. Jasper has so much fun playing outside at Alissa's during the day, that his dirty little toes usually need a cleanin' before bed. And mommy's favorite part - wrapping him up in the towel afterward, he always looks so cute!

Snugglin' with Mom

When dad works late on Monday nights, Jasper and Mom get some extra snugglin' time. After a fun night of cooking dinner; talking with neighbor, Michelle; and playing with Cozmo, we got some snuggle time in before bathtime.

Play Time Fun

Jasper LOVES his exersaucer from his cousin, Sydney. Except, sometimes, the toys need to be IN his mouth, so that frustrates him when he can't pull them off. This was also the day after his 5 mos. birthday - yeah!!!


Here is Jasper Man asleep in his crib. We try to keep him sleeping on his back, but sometimes he wiggles out of his support guard and usually ends up on his side - the most comfy sleeping position for him :) And here, well, guess he's doing his morning prayers in his sleep!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Visiting great grandparents

While mom and dad were away at Jason and Katie Mohr's wedding in Pittsburg, Kansas, grandpa Paul and grandma Debbie took J to visit great-gram and gramp Wilson.

I hear great-gramp Bob kept a pretty tight hold to make sure J didn't squirm away. And that's not a fake phone in J's hand with great-gram Rita, it's a dumbell — we've got him already on a workout regimen in honor of the Olympic games in Beijing!

Do work!

He may not be able to read but that didn't stop Jasper from banging on his daddy's keyboard last week during a visit to the Herald-Index office. Here's hoping J grows up able to keep his office more organized than his dad's!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Mohr's Celebration!

We ventured off to Pittsburg, Kansas to help Jason and Katie Mohr celebrate their wedding! We had such a fun time! I don't think we have danced that hard since....well....I don't really know when. The DJ brought out the old school hip-hop (Ice Ice Baby, Warren G, etc.) and we just couldn't help ourselves. From hanging out with everybody at the Lamplighter Inn & Suites, to the beautiful ceremony, and great reception - it was a nice weekend getaway complete with the wedding of two great people!

While mom and dad were off having some fun, Jasper P was also having his own fun. He stayed with The Wilsons out on the farm and got into all sorts of trouble :) Grandpa Paul fed the J-man his first solid food - applesauce - to which it sounds like he couldnt' get enough. He also was introduced to a very slow, but fun 4-wheeler ride with his cousin Sydney. Grandma Debbie even got to spend some alone time with the J-Man on Saturday. When we picked up the two boys (Cozmo and Jasper), they were both tuckered out from a nice weekend! Thanks, guys, for watching our little guy! He is already asking when he can come back! (and Cozmo is still sleeping to recover)...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Good Luck Macy

We headed out to The Olive Garden to wish Macy well as she leaves for college. Good luck, Macy, we'll be sure to update the blog with more pictures so you can see how much I grow! And be sure to write us and send us pictures, too. We'll miss you and are so excited for you!

Holding my bottle

I'm getting to be so grown up - holding my bottle all by myself - and the pediatrician even said I can try eating cereal with a spoon - yikes, what's that?

The Henrys!

Isaac, Emma, Rick, and Shani Henry came over to visit us this past weekend! It was great to introduce them to Jasper. And of course, Cozmo showed off his tricks to them, to make sure they knew he was also there! Thanks so much for coming guys - it was great to see you!

Happy Birthday Uncle Jason!

Uncle Jason turned the big 30 and we celebrated by headin' to the IOWA STATE FAIR!!! This was Jasper's first time at the fair. Mom and Dad remembered walking around the fair last year knowing that the J-Man was growing in mommy's tummy but trying so hard to keep it a secret....and now he's here and almost 5 months old!!! We had a great time walkin' around, snackin' on fair food - cinnamon rolls, chocolate chip cookies, turkey sandwiches, chicken on a stick, cousin noah's big pickle, and our new favorite find - cherry lemonade-yum!

We saw the big slide, went to the animal learning center and saw baby pigs, ostriches, and lambs. Jasper and Noah posed at the U of I stand with Floyd of Rosedale trophy, which goes every year to the winner of the Iowa vs. Minnesota football teams. We stayed well into the evening and took in J-Man's first Nadas concert, well, actually, he was sleeping during it, but the rest of us got to enjoy it!

Thanks, Uncle Jason, for letting us celebrate your 30th birthday with you!

A Day with the Girls

On Saturday, August 9, the gals and Jasper headed out to Valley Junction for the morning. Aunt Melissa, Cousin Sydney, Grams Debbie, Grandma Vicki and Mommy introduced the J-Man to a little shopping! We then headed to lunch at the General Store and met Liam, a little boy that was also born on March 24! We also paid a visit to the Dog Bakery and bought some peanut butter bones for brother Cozmo's 4 year birthday on August 10 - happy birthday Cozmo!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

4-month checkup

Today was Jasper's 4-month checkup with Dr. Staci George at Mercy East in Pleasant Hill.

He weighed 14 pounds, 15 ounces and was 25 1/4 inches long with a head 17 inches around. That's in the 50-percentile range for weight and length and 75th percentile for the noggin. Look at the melon on that kid!

He handled his shots pretty well (photo is of the Band-aids they put on his legs - Daffy Duck), although I don't think he'll trust that nurse ever again. The way he looked at her, her face is burned into his memory.

Mom and dad came to the rescue, though, and with a little baby Tylenol he's doing just fine.

Mom broke the hammock!!!

Actually, Natalie and Jasper were sitting very peacefully on the hammock Thursday night until I joined them. It wasn't 5 seconds after I sat down and Nat was on the ground. 
All of my 175 pounds was too much for the hammock (a birthday present to Nat a couple of years ago) to handle. It ripped, sending us to the ground and resulting in a pouty lip for the J-man, who just happened to have sore legs after getting his second round of shots today during his 4-month checkup.


What a great idea! Take Jasper, hold him 8 feet in the air and have Natalie sit below him with the Principal building above.

As you can see, Jasper thinks it's the best idea ever.


2008 Iowa State Fair parade

My daddy's not that much of a fan of parades, but he and mommy took me to the 2008 Iowa State Fair parade Wednesday anyway. I saw the dancing girls, bands, horses and all sorts of other fun parade stuff, but no candy, which bummed mommy out more than anyone else.