Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Full nelson

Fear not. It may look like the Adam Bomb has the upper hand on young Jasper 'The Disaster' in this photo, but shortly after I locked in this full nelson he caught me with an elbow to the breadbasket, sent me against the ropes and put me to the canvas with a running clothesline a la Jim 'Hacksaw' Dugan.

(Nate: if you're reading this, understand that you and I may be the only ones left who appreciate a good 'Hacksaw' reference.)

'The Disaster' then climbed to the top turnbuckle and unleashed a vicious flying elbow much like Randy 'Macho Man' Savage. I managed to kick out - barely beating the quick count to three by special guest referee 'Birdman' Koko B. Ware who was obviously in 'The Disaster's' corner for the match.

After breaking his figure-four leg lock, the Adam Bomb was able to catch 'The Disaster' with a sleeper hold the likes no one has seen since Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake, pictured, hung up his shears. (Good thing because he was getting a little cranky.)

'The Disaster' came out of his forced sleep with a vengeance, flying at me with a drop kick the likes of Rockers Marty Jannetty and Shawn Michaels never would attempted. In a snap 'The Disaster' came down on me with a Hogan-like leg drop and pinned my shoulders to the mat in the middle of the squared circle.

In our training, we will next learn Jimmy 'Superfly' Snuka's famous flying finishing move, the Iron Sheik's Camel Clutch and Jake 'The Snake' Roberts' DDT (without Damien the snake, of course).

Note: no babies or dads were harmed during the creation of this post.

Me and my friend Suz

Although Jasper can't quite fit into the gift Suzy and her husband, Andrew, so lovingly gave him (a onesie that reads 'My dad's a geek'), he will wear it proudly in time. Back from Indianapolis over Memorial Day weekend, Suzy was kind enough to visit us for a few minutes and get some good face-to-face time with J. Thanks for stopping Suz!


Jasper, two months old May 24, is grinning like it's his job. We jump at every opportunity we get to tickle his lips, cheeks and chin, which seems to be the easiest way to make the big guy smile. Here are three recent photos of him smiling ... it won't be long, we can tell, before he adds a little giggle to all his grins.

As you can see in one of the shots posted here, he's most certainly found his tongue!

The blanket behind him in two of these photos was made by great-gma Bev Trissel. The 'What happens at grandma's stays at grandmas' shirt was, of course, from gma Vicki.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Cody Sherman's High School Graduation

Comfy with Aunt Kathy...


ok mom and dad - I get it with the pillows... I 'm not walkin' yet so the chances of me falling off the bed are very slim... quit crowdin' me when I sleep!  

Staring contest

After our first trip to the farmer's market, mom and jasper have a staring contest. Mom had just taken jasper out of his stroller and he decided to get as scrunched up as possible and stare at mom very intently!

Just Dad & Me

Adam and Jasper enjoying the beautiful, warm weather outside on the hammock. Cozmo tried getting Jasper to play fetch with him, but it didn't work so well.  Coz finally settled in under the hammock cooling off in the shadows of jasper and his daddy. 


We had such a great time with Erin and Payton Gibson when they came to visit us!  Here's Jasper and Payton just hanging out on the couch together...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Family!

Our family....and we can't forget our furry child, Cozmo, too! 

Happy Mothers Day!

Here are some pictures from my first Mothers Day - It was such a great day!  As you can see in the pictures, Jasper takes a nap in the chair on daddy's lap before we head over to aunt Sandy's house. At Sandy's, we get lots of pictures taken with his new cousin, Perri Smith.  She was born exactly 1 month after Jasper. Pictured are me and my cousin, Allison, with the little ones and then the two grandmas - Sandy Swallow and Vicki Henderson.  

The night before Mothers Day, we got to spend a great evening with Adam's family to celebrate Mother's Day with Debbie and Melissa.  Jasper experienced his first restaurant - The "Rusty Duck" in Dexter...he slept almost the whole time, and when he started to get fussy toward the end of the experience, Grandma Debbie was there to do a little bouncin' and walkin' around - his two favorite things to do - while mom and dad finished eating. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I'm comfy...and my nursery

More funny sleep positions... And a picture of Jasper in his crib. We finally moved out all of the stuffed animals that were "sleeping" in his crib and now Jasper has upgraded from the pack-n-play in our bedroom to his big crib.  I only checked on him 3 times the first night he slept in his own room-I didn't think that was too bad! Thanks to Aunt Melissa for painting his name and the nursery so cute-we love it and he now loves sleeping and playing in his very own room. We even have bedtime stories in there... - Natalie

Play Time in the Nursery

Here's the little man loving his "tummy" time and "back" time. He's kicking the little ball like crazy - I'm thinking....soccer player!!  - Natalie